Terms & Conditions – Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Eugenia Daniela Enache owns and operates omnibloomhealth.com. The contact email address is [email protected], which also serves as the physical or mailing address. For more information, you can visit the website at www.omnibloomhealth.com. The purpose of the website is to promote retreats, workshops, and conferences, provide information about science-based methods to improve mental health, and promote mental health and medical experts.

Data Collection & Usage

We collect personal information from visitors or customers, specifically names and email addresses, through online forms for the purposes of retreat or therapy bookings and newsletter subscriptions. This information is used to process bookings, enhance the website experience, and send marketing emails. Except as otherwise stated in this privacy policy, we do not sell, trade, rent, or otherwise share personal information with third parties without consent.

We have links to public social media accounts and social sharing options on the website. If users choose to interact on social media with any of the accounts, they are advised that any interactions on those accounts are publicly available.

Cookie Policy

Like many other sites, omnibloomhealth.com collects information that browsers send when visiting the website (“Log Data”). This Log Data may include information such as the computer’s Internet Protocol address (“IP address”), browser information, Internet Service Provider (“ISP”) information, the pages of the website that are visited, time spent on those pages, and other statistics. Third-party services such as Google Analytics may also be used to collect, monitor, and analyze Log Data.

“Cookies” are files with small amounts of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to the browser from a website and stored on the computer’s hard drive. Like many other websites, we use cookies to collect information solely for the purposes of analyzing content performance. Users can turn off the use of cookies at any time in their browser’s settings. Please refer to the help section of the browser for instructions on how to do this.

User Rights

If users choose to opt into our email newsletter, they will occasionally receive emails regarding updates to this website, free resources, paid products, and other content related to blogging, therapy, and mental health. Users may opt-out of the email newsletter at any time. The email newsletters are managed through an email list management provider, and opting out of one email list may not necessarily remove users from all emails. Should users have any issues or problems unsubscribing, they should contact us.

Users can update their personal information by registering again.

Security Measures

We make every attempt to keep personal information secure, but we realize that no transmission over the internet is ever 100% secure. We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect personal information, but we cannot guarantee absolute security. By using this website, users acknowledge that they understand and agree to assume these risks.

Policy Updates

If this Privacy Policy changes, all updates will always be posted on this page.

Questions and Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at [email protected].